The Somewhere Sunnier Pop-Up with friends of the ocean: Friday through Sunday: July 21-23, 2023
Let’s go somewhere sunnier this #plasticfreejuly, right here in Vancouver
This year in honour of #plasticfreejuly, Surfrider Canada pays homage to the commitment that small steps matter, and sometimes get us further along. What’s more, the ocean, also known as Moana (in many Polynesian languages) is never far from our minds and hearts.
3 Day Pop-Up + a Kitsilano Pop-Up Beach Clean Plus an Online auction
Where: 2033 West 4th Avenue, vancouver, BC
When: Friday july 21 - July 23
This year, we are grateful for our long-time donor OCIN ™ (“Ocean”) for including us in a special retail pop-up that is taking place in the heart of Kitsilano’s West 4th shopping district. During the weekend of July 21-23, we are going somewhere sunnier with our friends. OCIN has thoughtfully brought together a group of purpose-led brands founded by BIPOC and/or female led talent: some local, some from across the globe (like Hawai’i) – all committed to the Surfrider mission to protect and enjoy our beaches, oceans and waves for all.
“…purpose-led brands founded by BIPOC and/or female led talent: some local, some from across the globe (like Hawai’i) – all committed to the Surfrider mission to protect and enjoy our beaches, oceans and waves for all. ”
3 Day Pop-Up + a Kitsilano Pop-Up Beach Clean + an exclusive online auction
Thanks to our partners and collaborators who share our mission, we are excited to not only be a part of the Somewhere Sunnier Ocean Education corner during the vendor pop-up, but also clean Kitsilano beach and launch a special online auction. We are flanked by the Pacific Ocean and we want everyone to know how special this place we call home can really be, so we are excited to share it in many ways throughout the pop-up.
#ProtectWhatWeLove Surfrider Canada Ocean Education Pop-Up
Come through the space to learn and share about what Surfrider Canada has seen littered at our beaches both on the mainland and on remote islands and learn more about our priorities. We are beyond excited to collaborate with OCIN to bring an ocean education vignette experience to the Somewhere Sunnier pop-up. This vignette will be simple, reflective and purposeful. It gives visitors an overview of how Surfrider sees the plastic reduction solution across Canada. It also draws attention to the top litter we have found across our cleanups in Canada to date.
clean kits beach with us
On Sunday July 23, join Surfrider and OCIN at Kits Beach to clean up the beach. It’s sure to be a fun time not only picking up litter, but also sorting through and properly conducting a waste audit. Surfrider Vancouver works with the City of Vancouver to properly divert as much waste from the landfill as possible and at minimum, we count through all waste to ensure it’s all logged properly. For this special Kits Beach pop-up clean, we are also thankful for our beverage sponsor, Hoochy Booch Kombucha, who will be rewarding the first 50 beach clean up attendees who check-in with us with a tasty can of kombucha.
Surfrider Canada Somewhere Sunnier Online AUCTION
- Runs July 20 - July 31, 2023 -
Surfrider PNW Getaway Package
Make a bid on our auction to win a getaway package that’s close to our hearts where all proceeds will go directly to our volunteer work. This one auction prize will give you and a friend the chance to visit Tofino during storm watching season where you can experience somewhere sunnier in the heart of BC’s surf and storm watching hamlet. We want everyone to explore how a trip to the Vancouver Island means you’re taking the spirit of Somewhere Sunnier with you every step of the way. We are thankful to BC Ferries, Long Beach Lodge, Evo Car Share and JD Sports for their generous support of our online auction.
Somewhere Sunnier Online Auction item for Surfrider Canada includes:
100 minutes of Evo Car Share drive time to help you prep for all your trip and travel
essentials in BC2 new pairs Teva sandals (any pair directly from the collection of our friends at JD Sports) to make sure you’re comfortable on your feet
BC Ferries Voucher for one vehicle + driver + two adult passengers (valued at $190)
One night accommodation at Long Beach Lodge - Deluxe Beachfront Room, including
access to our luxury Surf Club change room, Fitness Facility, hot pool & sauna, valid until June 2024 (valued at $700). The Deluxe Beachfront Room is a full ocean view with king
size bed or two double beds, gas fireplace, balcony or patio and oversized soaker tub
with separate shower
Surfrider Canada Priorities
1 million cigarette butts are littered in Vancouver every day
Cigarette butts are the top litter that we find at the Surfrider Vancouver beach clean ups. Butts leach toxic chemicals, such as arsenic and lead, and the filters contain microplastics and take a very long time to degrade. When littered on the ground, cigarette butts can easily make their way into our waterways during rain events, negatively impacting the environment and marine life.
For more information follow @surfridervan on Instagram for the latest updates. You can also visit the Surfrider Vancouver for the latest updates. For more cigarette butt facts visit our friend:
Approximately 46% of the 79 thousand tons of ocean plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made up of fishing nets Fishing nets lost, abandoned or discarded at sea – also known as “ghost nets” – can continue killing indiscriminately for decades and decades, entangling or suffocating countless fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, sea turtles, seals and marine birds every year. An estimated 30% percent of the decline in some fish populations is a result of discarded fishing equipment, while more than 70% of marine animal entanglements involve abandoned plastic fishing nets. You can also read more about Surfrider’s analysis in the US about derelict fishing gear.
For more information follow @surfrider_canada on Instagram for the latest updatesVisit Surfrider Canada to learn more about our commitment and work on remote cleanups:
Surfrider Pacific Rim’s take back the tap has the end goal of banning all single-use plastic water bottles 1L and under from the Pacific Rim! Many water bottle companies use water sources from some of the most drought ridden places in the West, such as California to package and sell to places where there is already ample water supply (like Tofino and Ucluelet!)
-The plastic water bottle industry uses 17 million barrels of oil every year in the United States to make the bottles, which must then be transported and refrigerated using additional fossil fuels
-60-70% of plastic water bottles sold do not get recycled and ultimately end up end up in landfills and waterways
-One plastic water bottle can break down into enough small pieces to be present on every mile of every beach in the world
For more information follow @surfrider_pacificrim on Instagram for the latest updatesVisit Surfrider Pacific Rim for more info:
Several EU countries recycle 60-70% of used plastics and recover over 80% through integrated waste and resource management. Surfrider collaborates with key ENGOs who are currently recycling 90% of the ocean marine plastics and debris we recover on our local and remote beach clean ups, keeping much of it out of landfills.
Next time consider that when you buy a plastic water bottle, you’re not buying the water. You’re buying the plastic.