Activist spotlight: Genevieve Kang

Q: What is your current role with the Surfrider Foundation?

Volunteer Coordinator for Surfrider Vancouver

Q: Why and when did you get involved with the Surfrider Foundation?

I’ve been with Surfrider since June 2022, when I joined their executive committee. As someone who loves spending time in nature and in or near water, it’s important for me to do my part in helping protect these spaces. I am passionate about environmental issues and ocean conservation.

Q: What are some environmental issues that are affecting your local community?

Cigarette butt pollution is a major issue here in Vancouver. Wildfires is another problem that has been impacting local communities ever since I can remember, but increasingly and more severely in recent years.

Q: What Surfrider projects have you worked on?
Love Your Beach Clean!

Q: Are there any specific projects that you have worked on which benefited your community?

Our beach cleanups offer a straightforward and impactful means of benefiting the community. They personally stand out to me as my preferred way for acquainting people with Surfrider Foundation’s mission. These cleanups exemplify how small daily actions can lead to substantial longterm effects for all.

Q: What has been the highlight of your Surfrider experience?

Meeting other enthusiastic and like-minded individuals who are as equally as passionate about protecting our ocean and coastlines.

Q: What can Surfrider do to foster an inclusive and welcoming experience? Do you have any examples from your experience where this is successfully happening?

Ensuring that our beach cleanups and events are accessible and open to the entire community, and encouraging everyone to join and take part. Additionally, as a biracial woman, I strongly emphasize the significance of cultivating a more diverse and inclusive executive committee. While the idea of welcoming everyone is commendable, having diverse representation within our core leadership is highly influential. It demonstrates to others that they too can be a part of this community 

Q: Why is being a part of the Surfrider ocean conservation community important to you?

We’re better together. We can make a greater impact when we work together towards a common goal. 


The Somewhere Sunnier Pop-Up with friends of the ocean: Friday through Sunday: July 21-23, 2023