Students Can make big waves too

Surfrider Atlantic Canada is proud to work with students in the region to help make change within schools, campuses, and their communities.

The Dalhousie University Club in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a dynamic hub of student-driven activism and positive change. At its core, this club exemplifies the transformative power of students coming together to create an impact on their campus. By fostering a culture of environmental consciousness, engagement, and collaboration, the Dalhousie University Club empowers students to be changemakers, actively working towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future within their university community and beyond.

Instagram: @surfriderdal

Surfrider Dalhousie Club, Annual Dal to Sea Event

Surfrider Dalhousie Club, Surf Accessibility Program

Want to start your own club?

It begins with a spark. Maybe you're eager to kickstart your own Surfrider Atlantic Canada club at school. This idea can blossom into a close-knit community of ocean lovers united for a greener coast. Your passion and ability to share this dream can ignite change in your school and across Atlantic Canada. Let's make waves together!