Our Mission
When we see what we love in trouble, we act.
And we win.
Surfrider has built a network of coastal defenders who transform their passion for the coast into lasting protection. We are fortunate to live in a place where passion for protection is in our blood. We are a community of dedicated guardians including First Nations, grassroots environmentalists, scientists, ocean lovers, surfers, beach walkers and fishing enthusiasts.
Bringing local knowledge together with national experts in law, policy and science, Surfrider is a leading voice in addressing plastic pollution.
Protect & Enjoy
Our local Surfrider Chapter is part of a greater international organization of volunteers. We come together to respond to threats to our coastal communities and protect what we love through campaign driven initiatives that are supported by educational programs.
For more than a century, the ocean has been under siege…
Plastic Pollution
Tankers and Traffic
Marine Life Health
Water Quality
our existence is dependent on a thriving ocean, waves and beaches, and it is our job to protect and regenerate them.
The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.
Over the last 30yrs Surfrider has built a volunteer network of 84 chapters & 40 clubs across the US and BC, and now Atlantic Canada. We are proud to be the first Atlantic Canadian chapter of Surfrider.
We have a vision to protect 100% of the coastlines we love. To get there, we need your support. Help fund our network and ensure long term protection for the coasts now and for future generations.